![Aerial View of Alhambra [1927]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff7afc7c2e0046116a6010c/1674780659605-HQD11AG80THWZH3NKZMG/image-asset.jpeg)
Aerial View of Alhambra [1927]

Composite map showing the property of the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Association, 1876 (Source: Huntington Library)

Pomeroy and Stimson's Subdivision of the Town of Alhambra, 1887. Source: MR013-051, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works.

Detail of irrigation map showing water lines in Alhambra and the surrounding area, 1888 (Source: David Rumsey Map Collection)

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Alhambra, Los Angeles County, California, 1897. Source: Library of Congress.

Composite detail of Plates 25 and 30 showing the area comprising present-day Alhambra, Rueger’s Atlas showing country property of Los Angeles County, California, 1903 (Source: Ancestry.com)

The Dolgeville Land Company’s design of Dolgeville. The felt factory was located in the large tract at the center of the development. Source: Huntington Library.

Map of City of Alhambra and Additions, Los Angeles Co., California, 1922 (Source: Huntington Library)

Location of Residence Building Permits, 1923-1927. Source: Hull, Osman R., and Willard S. Ford. Survey of the Alhambra Public Schools: Housing, Finance, Business Management. USC, 1928.

Land use map showing part of Alhambra, 1936-1937 (Source: Sheet 12, Book 14, County Surveyor Coordinates 141/241)

Map depicting redlining in Alhambra (Source: Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America; cropped from original, city boundary added)

Development in Alhambra by Decade (Source: Historic Resources Group)

Multi-Family Residential Development in Alhambra by Decade (Source: Historic Resources Group)

R-1 Residential Neighborhood Development by Decade (source: Historic Resources Group)

Annexation in Alhambra by Decade (Source: Historic Resources Group)

Caricatures of City Boosters, 1912 (Source: “Alhambra: A City of Homes in Orange Groves, Interviews with Prominent Residents.” Out West 3, no. 4 (April 1912): 266-273, 271)

Caricatures of City Boosters, 1912 (Source: “Alhambra: A City of Homes in Orange Groves, Interviews with Prominent Residents.” Out West 3, no. 4 (April 1912): 266-273, 273)

Source: Eric Brightwell blog

Alhambra Brand (Source: Huntington Library)

California's Southern Home Place: City of Alhambra, 1915 (Source: Buckingham Books))
Full text available here: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Descriptive_Booklet_of_the_City_of_Alham/LzREAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Alhambra%2C%20California's%20Suburban%20Home%20Place&pg=PP1&printsec=frontcover&bsq=Alhambra%2C%20California's%20Suburban%20Home%20Place

Alhambra Park advertisement. Source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page.

Court Lindaraja (Lindaraxa Park) advertisement. Source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page.

Ramona Park advertisement, April 13, 1907. Source: Los Angeles Times.

Postcard, looking west on Main Street, Alhambra, no date (Source: City of Alhambra)

Main Street, Alhambra, 1906 (Source: California State Library)

Alhambra, CA from high school, December 24, 1909 (Source: Library of Congress)

View looking west on Main Street, Alhambra, c. 1924 (Los Angeles Public Library)

Looking west on Main Street from Garfield, 1955 (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)

Wide angle photo of houses and lots in Alhambra, c. 1884 (Source: UCLA Library Special Collections)

Orange pickers, no date (Source: City of Alhambra)

J.A. Graves residence, 1912 (Source: USC Digital Library)

Midwick Country Club and grounds, 1924 (Source: Midwick Tract Development Project blog)

Sylvestre Dupuy Residence, no date (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)

The Alhambra Hotel, Main Street, Alhambra, no date (Source: USC Digital Library)

Postcard of Bathing Pool, City Park, Alhambra, no date (Source: Pinterest)

Ramona School in Alhambra, no date (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)
A view of the exterior of Ramona School in Alhambra, taken from across the street. Palm trees line both sides of both walkways leading up to the entrance.

Christian Science Church, Alhambra, CA (Source: Hip Postcard)

High School (Source: Card Cow)

Garfield Avenue School (Source: Card Cow)

Pasadena Tri-City Sewage Treatment Plant (Source: "Forgotten Facilities: The City of Pasadena Tri-City Sewage Treatment Plant - Part 1," CWEA)

Alhambra Public Library, Fourth and Main Streets, c. 1920 (Source: California State Library)
Single-story cement building, six Ionic Order columns, three, right and three left of entrance, lawn in foreground.

Western Air Express dedication, April 17, 1930 (Source: Huntington Library)

Plane in front of Western Air Express terminal, no date (Source: Huntington Library)

Western Air Express airport, March 19, 1931 (Source: USC Digital Library)

(1930s) – Alhambra Airport Aerial View. Source: “Electronic Scrapbook of Alhambra History.” City of Alhambra. Archived from the original on October 20, 2013.

Ramona Boulevard "Freeway" in 1935 (source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page)

Alhambra sign, c. 1937 (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)

Standard Felt Corporation employees, part 1, 1939 (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)

Standard Felt company employees, part 2, 1939 (Source: Los Angeles Public Library)

Wool 33. Finished "Cozy Toes" slippers about to be packed for shipping from Standard Felt Company, West Alhambra, Calif., 147. Source: California State Library.

Aerial view of Alhambra, December 20, 1940 (Source: USC Digital Library)

(1949) – Children playing in the snow at Granada Park. “Electronic Scrapbook of Alhambra History.” City of Alhambra. Archived from the original on October 20, 2013.

This smoke is caused by the burning of Midwick Country Club in 1944. — at Emerson Ave at Atlantic Blvd. Source: Midwick Tract Development Project Website

Mayfair Tract, Alhambra, 1929. Source: Huntington Library.

Before and after: Midwick Tract development. Source: Midwick Tract Alhambra History Facebook Page.

Crawford's Corner, no date. Source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page.

The Hat, no date. Source: I Love Alhambra Facebook Page.

Rustic Bridge, City Park, Alhambra, Calif. Source: CardCow.com.

Alhambra Post Office, no date. Source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page.

Alhambra City Hall, no date. Source: CardCow.com.

Alhambra Community Hospital, 100 South Raymond Avenue. Source: CardCow.com.

Martha Baldwin School, 1967. Source: I Love Alhambra Facebook Page.

Jack Wilkinson Smith in front of a large landscape canvas at his studio, Alhambra, 1935. Source: UCLA Digital Library

Millard Sheets at Mark Keppel High School, c. 1930s. Source: Alhambra Preservation Group.

Staircase at Mark Keppel High School, no date (source: Alhambra Preservation Group)

Sears Tower, Alhambra, Calif., 1971 (source: USC Digital Library)

Freeway, no date (source: Alhambra Preservation Group Facebook Page)

Alhambra High School

![Three lanes of traffic [1963].](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff7afc7c2e0046116a6010c/1675120158658-DT6MRT0MWAVKSPHK7YMJ/Three_lanes_of_traffic+-+E.+Valley+Boulevard+looking+towards+Almansor%2C+August+14%2C+1963.jpg)
Three lanes of traffic [1963].

Damage after near-tornado level winds and rain strike Alhambra and neighboring communities. February 13, 1936.

Damage after near-tornado level winds and rain strike Alhambra and neighboring communities. February 13, 1936.

Damage after near-tornado level winds and rain strike Alhambra and neighboring communities. February 13, 1936.
![Aerial View of Alhambra [1927]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff7afc7c2e0046116a6010c/1674780659605-HQD11AG80THWZH3NKZMG/image-asset.jpeg)

![Three lanes of traffic [1963].](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff7afc7c2e0046116a6010c/1675120158658-DT6MRT0MWAVKSPHK7YMJ/Three_lanes_of_traffic+-+E.+Valley+Boulevard+looking+towards+Almansor%2C+August+14%2C+1963.jpg)